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Weekend Reset Routine

How I start my week off right.

Weekends are super important to me. I spend a lot of time out of the house during the week. I’m always on the go, driving kids around, running errands, appointments, and meetings. This weekend routine has evolved and grown out of my need to start Mondays off on the right foot.

I focus on four different aspects: Home, Review/Reflect, Plan, and Relax.

Try as I might, cleaning throughout the week just doesn’t happen often. I might get a trash can emptied here or remember to flip that last load of laundry, but really, the bulk of my cleaning has to wait until the weekend. I do all the laundry on Saturday, tidy my office spaces, deep clean the bathrooms. On Sundays, I like to change my bedding to have a fresh set of sheets for the week. I also take stock of what’s in the pantry and freezers and start a grocery list. Eventually, I’ll hire someone to help with this area, but for right now, it’s very much a part of my routine.

This is part of my housekeeping at this point, but ever since I started planning seriously, sitting down to review what worked well in my week, what I think I could do better, and just reflecting on what’s going on in my life in general has been a big help. Some might skip this part, but with these insights, I can constantly make little weekly adjustments towards my ideal life.

I try not to get too detailed with this plan, as it will go off the rails at some point. But using the HB90 Method (my recent article on the Method) has helped me narrow down to what I really need to focus on and helps keep me on track to my bigger goals.

First, I take a look at my google calendar. As I book appointments and meetings throughout the week, they all go on my google calendar as my phone is the easiest at hand when I’m leaving doctor’s appointments or booking over the phone. I double-check that I don’t have any conflicting appointments, then write them all down on my weekly plan.

Second, I look at the deadlines I have for that week. There are certain deadlines that are set in hard stone, ie the ones for my paying clients. Then I have my soft…

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